This week for Tech Tuesday we are talking about spark plugs. They start the fire inside your internal combustion engine. So hit the bump and find out more about this important part of your engine. Spark plugs ignite the air fuel mixture inside the combustion chamber. So let me run down how it works and …
Tag Archive: DIY
Dec 18
How to Restore or Paint your Rims
Today we embark on a new journey and new partnership with some new friends. The guys at ProjektCustoms specialize in doing DIY videos that anyone can do in their driveway and while we all love super shiny show cars I suspect most of our readers have much more humble car modding ideas and projects. When …
Dec 16
Sunday Commentary. Dec 16 2012 Edition
With December half over the realization of putting another year in the books has sunk in. The car world was running on auto pilot this week as is typical this time of the year. However as we do on Sunday let’s take a look back at the week that was and a look forward to …
Jul 21
Brakes: A Tech Article
Brakes are the first line of safety and control in your car. You never think about them until they are not there. Trust me, its not a good feeling. And there is no moment more eye opening than feeling the brake pedal fall to the floorboard with no pressure. Today I’m going to explain what …
Dec 23
Sunday Commentary: Dec. 23, 2012 blizzard edition!
New Car and Industry News, Sunday Commentary week in review, Year End Awards
by Jason
Snow, DIY, Awards, NEWS, Cadillac ATS-V, Camaro LS7? and a Reader Ride! Another Sunday another Commentary. It’s Christmas time and this week in the Midwest sure felt like it with the Midwest receiving our first blizzard of the season. Only a couple inches of snow but those 60mph winds sure made things interesting. Not to …
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Tags: Cadillac ATS-V, Chevrolet Camaro, DIY, LS7, Projekt Customs, reader rides, Sunday commentary, turbo, Twin Turbo, V6 TT