I’ve made it a goal in life to use cars to promote good. What I’ve found is there are thousands of other car people with the same idea. What I can do is use this site to promote the events that people use to do good things with cars and the Got Faith car show is a prime example. Entrance fee to the Got Faith show is canned food to help stock the Jerseyville area food pantries to help those who are less fortunate then us. What a great idea! In a world where the media, politics, and everything else trying to divide us based on petty difference such as race, religion, creed, sexual orientation, or whatever, there are people out there who can come together and work for a good cause. That’s what America needs, people coming together, not dividing. That’s why we will gladly cover any event that uses cars for a good cause like this. So over the next several days we will have coverage of the Got Faith show. The crowd was light because of some rain which is understandable but the people that did brave the weather brought some great cars, and I think every one had a good time.
If we had to pick a best of show for this show it would be basically impossible. Essentially I’d put a bunch of names in a hat and draw one out because there were several prime candidates. If I had to pick though it would be one of the cars in this article. Later in the week I’ll actually pick Infinite-Garage.com’s best in show for this show and do a full write up on it. Yep, I’m stalling because I don’t know who to pick. For now enjoy a variety of pics from the show and stay tuned this week for more.
This 28 certainly has a shot at best in show. So low and awesome.
You’ll remember this Boss 680 from our Carrollton coverage a few weeks ago. This car won the “people’s choice” award today. It seems this young lady is racking up the trophies with her Mustang. It’s easy to see why.
More pics after the jump!
Oh Suzy Q, You’ll definitely see much more of Buddy Green’s awesome 50 Ford as the week goes on.
Two stellar cars, one Ford, and one a Chev. I can’t wait to show you these two later in the week. Note the band and attendees rocking out in the background. The rain didn’t stop everyone from having a great time, enjoy some good music, and great cars.
Our new friends from the show. These folks braved the weather to collect canned goods, do the 50/50, raffle and hand out prizes. It was a pleasure chatting with them. A big thanks to them for braving the weather!
So there’s a sneak peak of what’s to come this week. I really enjoyed this show, maybe because it was small and it was easy to get pictures of the cars and chat with the owners and other car lovers. Hopefully they do it again next year and they can get a huge turn out with better weather.