I was having a discussion today with someone about the Tony Stewart incident and I wished I had a place to vent about it. Turns out I do still own this website so I can do it here. I find it interesting that most racing fans and racers seem to side with Tony. Meaning there is no way he intentionally hit that guy. Of course he didn’t, no decent human would. However, I’m hearing a lot of none race fans saying things like “he has a reputation for being aggressive,” and “he does intentionally wreck people.” Of course he does. He’s a race car driver. That’s what race car drivers do. Well at least the good ones. All the greats, #3, Schumi, Senna, etc all were known to be giant assholes on the track. That’s how you win races, by showing no mercy and taking any advantage you can get.
I guess I could post the video, but you’ve seen it at this point and I’m not going to post a video of some guy getting killed. That’s not my thing. It’s a very sad that Ward was killed. Clearly he was a talented young driver but he made a very big mistake and it cost him his life. I hate that it happened but to blame anyone but Ward is just looking for someone to blame. We learn at a very young age not to go out into traffic. The race track certainly is no exception. It’s possible this young driver learned that behavior from Smoke himself seeing as Stewart has been known to throw a massive conniption fit after being wrecked. This has led to him going on track and throwing his helmet at passing drivers. No matter how Ward learned the behavior a young driver is needlessly dead, but let’s not rush to blame Tony Stewart.