

Jun 24

ALMS going green…er with natural gas.

Word today from the Washington Post is that the ALMS is taking more steps to be green by developing natural gas powered cars for the LMPC category. Word is a version of the Chevy LS3 is being developed by Patrick racing to power their Oreca car. We don’t have a lot of details yet but Ralph Hensen who is President of marketing for Patrick says the sponsors are on board in a big way and that the idea of natural gas has opened up some new sponsors. Natural gas is abundant here in the US and pretty affordable. So this isn’t really a surprising move, not to mention it’s rated at 130 octane.

Natural Gas is probably in our future as motorist so starting in the racing world makes some sense. However one thing that concerns me as a motorist is that it’s price can be volatile and supplies are not infinite. I suppose that’s getting way ahead of the game though and it’s nice to see ALMS working towards cleaner racing.