Cars as art, a theme that we’ve seen repeated through out history, so much so that a number of art museums have had exhibits featuring cars. You can now add Porsche and the North Carolina Museum of Art to that list of museums and manufactures that view cars as art.
The North Carolina Museum of Art is the latest museum to feature an amazing automotive exhibition of historic Porsches. If you’re anywhere in the vicinity of Raleigh, NC this coming October you really should check out the exhibit. The video below is just one of the films that they have created to showcase the exhibit.
Faster. Farther. from The North
Carolina Museum of Art on Vimeo.
For more videos check out their official site: North Carolina Museum of Art, Porsche by Design: Seducing Speed.
1 comment
Optimystical 1
August 24, 2013 at 12:43 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I would definitely go if I lived in the area, so much Porsche goodness.