

Jun 29

White Hall Drag-O-Way Fifth Friday Cruise in June 2012

It’s the fifth Friday of the month so that can mean only one thing – it’s time to load up and head down to White Hall, Illinois to see what the guys of the White Hall Drag-O-Way are up to. Every month with five Fridays there is a get together in town. It’s relaxed, fun, and full of great cars. Today’s turn out was awesome despite the 105 degree temperature.

Hit the jump for more pics and keep your eyes peeled for part II later in the week.

Even the passer-bys brought some muscle. I talked to this family briefly, and they said they saw all the cool cars and stopped in for a bit. Speaking of cool cars, how about their sweet fifth-gen Camaro.

The hot rods are always out thick at these get togethers. Here is a real stunner of a Ford. I’d about call this one perfect.

Not to be outdone by the hot rods the modern muscle guys were out in force too. Cobras anyone?

The Chevy boys were also representing. This was one clean custom.

Camaro for sale! I was afraid to ask how much for two reasons. One, it might be expensive and scare me, and two, it might not be expensive and it would have to go home with me. I need another project car in the worst way, but this one was just a little too nice for me to tear apart.

Ah, gassers. How can you not love this?

Finally, a look down the line at a great set of cars.

Again, big thanks to the White Hall Drag-O-Way guys for all they do to bring the car community together. The next fifth Friday cruise in on August 31st, and the big Drag-O-Way Reunion is on September 8th. Check them out if you can! You’ll find good times, good people, and some great cars. Check out their Website for all the details. Look for more from this cruise later in the week.