

Mar 31

Sunday Commentary: Easter Sunday

If ever there were a holiday that was a metaphor for the car world it would be Easter. Easter is all about the gathering of family and friends to celebrate the Resurrection. Friday night I attended a bit of an Easter gathering myself. I gathered with friends to celebrate old muscle cars, and hot rods many of which had been resurrected. Think about it is there any place that is more Easter like then a car show? People gathering, telling the stories of the life, death, and resurrection of something that is often times sacred to them. Sounds like Easter to me and before I head out to a big family get together to celebrate Easter I thought I’d try and knock out the Sunday commentary where if you do not know we take a look back at the week that was, look forward to next week and just try and celebrate all that is the car.

rear of chevy 3100

If you are wondering what those two beauties above are they are a Chevy 3100 pick up truck and a Chevy Nomad that were at the cruise in Friday. Both are pretty awesome. You can hit the jump for the rest of the Sunday Commentary.

We had a nice steady week here at IG covering all gamuts of the car world from car shows to racing, and I even threw in a rant on people buying up the new COPO Camaro just to resell it a year later. First up in the week was the much promised muscle cars of the World of Wheels car show in Omaha. There were some real good ones there.
nova ss

This week a deal was inked between IMSA, Grand AM, and DTM to bring a DTM style race to US. The details are a bit unclear on what this means but the idea is that we would have either a separate DTM series here to couple with NASCAR or IRL weekends, or a complete stand alone type series. I know that is all a bit murky but we will keep you posted.

DTM America

photo source: Audi

One of my favorite cars is the E63 AMG Mercedes. It’s like a guided missle that sounds like an old WWII bomber. Now Mercedes has an E63 Wagon coming out and I hope to have more details this week for you. It’s pretty awesome though. Think 577hp V8 twin turbo powered rocket ship, that’s a wagon. Yep, cool.
E63 Mercedes Wagon

Big news from GM this week was the 2014 Cadillac CTS. The current CTS is good, Cadillac promises the next CTS will be great. With a V6 twin turbo pumping out over 400hp I have no reason to doubt that. You can check out the introduction article we did earlier this week.
2014 Cadillac CTS

That will wrap up this shortened holiday edition of the Sunday Commentary. It’s been a busy week and next week promises much of the same. So until then keep it shiny side up.

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