

Oct 08

2012 Barry Apple Festival Car Show: Part 1 Mopar

Barry Apple Festival Car Show
Barry, Illinois is a small town in the hills of Western Illinois that once a year more than doubles in size with it’s annual apple festival. All of their apple creations are good, but I went there for the car show which is great. Spread out over several blocks are a few hundred cars from traditional hot rods to modern muscle. The variety is excellent and the crowds are huge so good photography was tough but I managed to land a few decent shots. Today’s offering the Mopars of the Barry Apple Festival.

This Challenger really caught my eye. I’d hoped to do a feature on it, but the owner was no were to be found so you’ll have to settle for a few pictures in this article. Plum Crazy Purple is pretty awesome isn’t it?

Would have loved to have got this shot with the hood closed. Maybe someday.

The obligatory wing shot.

On the complete opposite end of the spectrum is this SRT-4. I’ve probably been as harsh as anyone on the SRT-4, but the fact is it’s king of the FWD performance cars. These things have embarrassed plenty a muscle car owner with their speed. This one is very nicely done with the painted rims, perfect stance, and stripe.

I was pleasantly surprised to see no colored wires or other gawdiness under the hood. Just plain and simple.

I don’t even think you are allowed to advertise a car show without the General Lee being there. So here’s the required General Lee shot.

I first saw this GTX about a year or so ago and was blown away. You will not find a nicer example of the GTX.

I will close this one out with a Dodge Charger looking perfect in silver.

As you can see the Mopars were strong at Barry. This was only a small sampling, but as I said earlier the crowds made for tough photography. Check back in later in the week when I’ll have more from the show!


  1. pistolpig

    Gorgeous cars, Jason!

    What’s the convertible at the start of the writeup exactly? I assume it’s some sort of Cuda drop top? Fantastic looking car in any case.

    I spent a few hours today looking over some classic Lancias, Bugattis, Ferraris and Bentleys belonging to a private collector. He also had 2 cars made by Delage, a French car maker who I had never heard of until today.

    Sadly, for security reasons he wouldn’t let us take any photos or write anything about them 🙁

    He did however tell me where a Lancia owners meeting is taking place soon and suggested I could turn up with the camera there 😉

  2. Jason

    Very nice, I’d love to see some classic Lancia’s. The top car is a Cuda 340 Convertible. It’s absolutely stunning.

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